Admittedly, I don't take many days off. And by days off, I mean full days off where I don't do any type of work. None at all. Most people know that I have a full-time job in addition to to my writing career.
Most people know that I like to go camping, although I have to admit that it's been a while since we've got camping at an actual camping site. We like to go to state parks like Tetteguche, which is north of Duluth, MN and Willow River just east of Hudson, WI. This is by far my favorite way to spend a day off. My husband will argue that I always take time to write when we're camping, but there are times when I don't. It just hasn't been all that recent. I need to make a more concentrated effort to get back to relaxing when we start going to state parks and other campgrounds again.
Another thing I like to do when I have a day off is read. This is probably the most obvious one. I suppose in a way it can be considered working since I need to read to better my own writing skills, but I read just like the rest of those who enjoy reading. I do it to escape reality, to learn different cultures, history, anything really.
Traveling, like camping, is a great way to spend a day off. Even if it's just a day trip somewhere. I like road trips. It's probably one of the places I do my best daydreaming. I've seen a lot of places, and a lot of things with road trips, although I haven't road tripped too far to the west and I have yet to do an east coast road trip. They're on my bucket list, though. Oh, the things you see when you're traveling.
Sometimes I just like to sit on our deck or on our patio, visiting with neighbors or family. This happens few and far between, but it does happen from time to time.
What is your favorite way to spend a day off?