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Jodie Leigh Murray is an Indie author of romantic suspense and historical romance novels. Her two romantic suspense novels, The Gangster's Daughter and The Gangster's Mistake, both received three 5-star reviews from Readers' Favorite.


Jodie was born and raised in Minnesota, growing up in Robbinsdale. She now lives and works in Buffalo. She was an attendee of Robbinsdale Cooper Senior High, graduating class of 1994. She didn't start seriously applying writing in her career until 2007 when she began technical writing as a part of her day-to-day career responsibilities. In 2019, Jodie began writing freelance as a correspondent for the Herald Journal and two sister papers, the Delano Herald Journal and Enterprise Dispatch. After two years she was offered and accepted a part-time position as a Staff Writer. A month after taking the position, she took a position at her main job as a Proposal Writer making her full-time and part-time jobs entirely writing. Six months later, Jodie started writing The Gangster's Daughter and made the tough decision stop working her part-time job for the newspaper to focus on her writing career, publishing her first romantic suspense novel ten months later. The Duke's Daughter was published five months later.


Jodie is a member of The Author's Guild and Women's Fiction Writers Association.