Resolutions for the new year are always tough. I can't think of a time that I've set them and actually followed through with any of them. Except once when I set a quit smoking goal. It took me until April 1 to do it, but I did it. This year on April 1 will be 12 years smoke free. Not a single puff from a cigarette, including e-Cigs, since I quit smoking.
Goal 1: Keep Writing
I might have this goal every year. If you've ever talked to me about profits, I always say that I'll keep publishing as long as I make enough money to pay my book expenses. This year, to say the lease, was a rough year. Sales were horrible this year. I'm still in the negative for profits, but I'm still cranking them out. I'm not sunk yet. Two more books are in the works right now, hoping for spring/summer releases with them. I might even eke out a third one!! How is that for a goal?
Goal 2: Get Fit
This doesn't mean I'm hitting the gym every day, although it would be wise. I can't really do that with a kid living in my workout area in my basement. So, I must wait until she's moved out again or we move. Whichever happens first at this point. I noodled with the idea of getting another membership at my local fitness center, which I think is the best I've ever been to, but we have been looking at a house and may be moving. It wouldn't be smart to take on a membership with enrollment fees if we're going to move within the next 2-3 months. I'll wait. In the meantime, I need to watch what I eat (and drink). I'll be turning 50 this coming August, and I want to be healthier when I turn a half-century old.
Goal 3: Be Positive
I have a tendency to be negative. Not to other people. My thoughts. When someone, usually my husband, says something to me, my brain usually goes straight to a negative thought. I need to change this. It's not good for me. Finances are one thing, but I know I can be a positive person. I should be. I should be grateful for all that I've accomplished in the last two years.
I'm not usually that person who sets new year's resolutions or goals and sticks to them from the first of the year. Why? They'll never happen. I wish I could take a lot of the advice that James Clear gives in his book Atomic Habits. Maybe I'll go back and read that book this year. Or finally buy Martin Meadows' 365 Days With Self-Discipline. That's what I need. In any case, I don't need something set in stone. I just need goals to reach for.
Happy 2025!